#SSL Update May 2018

A group of professionals from across member organisations, manufacturers and designers in the live entertainment industry (including Pearle, SOLT/UK Theatre, the ALD, the Association of Swedish Lighting Designers, the IALD, OETHG, PLASA and VLPT)  had a very productive meeting in Brussels on 17 May with DG Energy.

As a result we have agreed to channel our work into seeking to draft a specific, technically based, exemption for lighting uses in the Stage and entertainment industries in the new proposed Eco Regulations planned for 2020. This work needs to happen quickly with our collective comments being channelled through Pearle to DG Energy in advance of the next draft of the regulations due in late June. 

In order to allow for this process to run as smoothly as possible, the campaign’s social media platforms will remain dormant until such a time as we have further updates. 

Many thanks for your continued support.