Photograph from Romeo and Juliet - lighting design by Lucia
From the show Romeo and Juliet
Photograph from Romeo and Juliet - lighting design by Lucia
Photographer: Linda Carter | From the show Romeo and Juliet
Photograph from Romeo and Juliet - lighting design by Lucia
From the show Romeo and Juliet
Photograph from Romeo and Juliet - lighting design by Lucia
From the show Romeo and Juliet
Photograph from Romeo and Juliet - lighting design by Lucia
From the show Romeo and Juliet
Lucia's picture

Lucia Sanchez Roldan

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Lucía graduated from RADA on the BA in Technical Theatre and Stage Management specialising in Lighting Design. Born in Spain, Lucía moved to London to pursue a degree in Natural Sciences. While studying her BSc at UCL she fell in love with theatre and after completing her degree she decided to change career. Lucía enjoys working in theatre and dance, especially with new innovative collaborations.

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