Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Edred | Photographer: Chuma Emembolu
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Edred | Photographer: Chuma Emembolu
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Edred | Photographer: Chuma Emembolu
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Edred | Photographer: Chuma Emembolu
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Photographer: Chuma Emembolu


with Chuma Emembolu as Lighting Designer

Set designer:

Sound designer:

Video designer:

28/10/2019 to 02/11/2019

Show type:

Production photographs

Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma
Photograph from EDRED THE VAMPYRE - lighting design by chuma

Press quotes

the overall ominous atmosphere – carried off with ease by a marriage of set design (Alys Whitehead) and lighting and sound (Chuma Emembolu) – makes for a deliciously gothic tale with a wonderfully entertaining main character.
Vicky Richards, A Spy In The Stalls 29/10/2019
He's aided by his trio of actors who give splendid performances, pitched perfectly for this intimate space, beautifully lit by Chuma Emembolu.
Gary Naylor, Broadway World UK 02/10/2019
Priest manages to be genuinely scary at points, something helped along by Chuma Emembolu’ intense sound and lighting design.
Oluwatayo Adewole, Voice Magazine 01/11/2019
Chuma Emembolu and Alys Whitehead also deserve mentions for their respective powerful lighting/set design and haunting monastic music..
J², Close-Up Culture 01/11/2019