Photograph from Katzenmusik - lighting design by jessibrig
Photographer: Steve Gregson | From the show Katzenmusik
Photograph from End Without Days - lighting design by jessibrig
Photographer: Amy Sinead Photography | From the show End Without Days
Photograph from Identities - lighting design by jessibrig
Photographer: Andrew AB Photography | From the show Identities
Photograph from Grimm - lighting design by jessibrig
Photographer: Isaac Johnson | From the show Grimm
Photograph from Lucika - lighting design by jessibrig
Photographer: LCA Productions | From the show Lucika
jessibrig's picture

Jessica Brigham

Biography Credits Portfolio Press Quotes Specialisms Availability Contact Details News


I am a freelance lighting designer with bases in Hull, London and the Midlands. I work in a number of capacities, including designer, associate, assistant, relighter, programmer and drafting.

Location availability:
  • Scotland
  • UK London
  • UK Provinces
  • West End
  • Regional (Main House)
  • Regional (Studio)
  • Small Scale Touring
  • Fringe / Pub Theatre
  • Touring relights
  • Commercial Tour
  • Regional (Studio)
  • 'Country House'
  • Small Scale
  • Touring relights
  • Conferences
  • Award Ceremonies


Appearing here soon... a collection of articles from the Focus magazine archives.