NEW!! The ALD Podcast!!
We've often been asked whether we might ever create a podcast as another form of content to get our message across. Finally, we have and the first episode is now live!
You can listen at https://anchor.fm/ald and it is also available to subscribe to on a number of other podcast services such as Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcasts, with more to be added in the future.
Professional Rep Lucy Carter explains how it came about:
In the spirit of getting other professional members to contribute to my Focus magazine column, I asked Vic Brennan, the brilliant and ubiquitous programmer, to write an article. She very kindly turned me down but instead offered to create a podcast of herself and two other programmers discussing what it’s like to be busy programmers and to shed light on the ins and outs of their jobs.
So finally, with a bit of delay on our part at the ALD, we can now share a link with you for you to listen. I hope you enjoy it. I found it really interesting, funny and informative, and it also made me readdress some of the ways I should and could work with programmers and made me ask questions to myself about my design process. Thank you to Vic Brennan, Andi Davis and Sarah Brown for your time and insight.
Now we have the system up and running, we are investigating how to create more content and so would love to hear from anyone prepared to do a similar podcast for us. I would love to hear from some production electricians about your role and challenges and how you started working in the industry. How about a few associates getting together and discussing things in front of a microphone?
If you don't wish to participate, do you have any suggestions of topics for other podcasts that you'd like to hear from us?
In the meantime, our other sound content is in the process of being moved across from SoundCloud to the podcast feed so we have one place for audio content from the ALD.