Photograph from Machinal - lighting design by Kevin_Murphy
Photographer: Keith Dixon | From the show Machinal
Photograph from Cross Street - lighting design by Kevin_Murphy
From the show Cross Street
Photograph from Cross Street - lighting design by Kevin_Murphy
Photographer: Emilija Jefremova | From the show Cross Street
Photograph from The Blue House - lighting design by Kevin_Murphy
Photographer: Ted Baxter | From the show The Blue House
Photograph from Machinal - lighting design by Kevin_Murphy
Photographer: Keith Dixon | From the show Machinal
Kevin_Murphy's picture

Kevin Murphy

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Kevin Murphy is a lighting designer from Dublin and now living in London. He graduated with an MFA in Stage Design from The Lir Academy majoring in Lighting Design and minoring in Dramaturgy in 2021. Since 2018, he has been working as a freelance lighting designer across theatre, dance and live music events in Ireland and the UK and has experience on national tours.

Kevin also holds an MA in Arts Policy & Practice from NUI Galway and also has experience working in arts administration and stage management. He is a participant of the ETC Fred Foster International Mentorship 2021. 

Previous productions

Previous productions

Show name Type Venue/Company Role Creative Team Opened
MAY DAY Theatre Lighting Designer Director: Franziska Detrez
Sep 2023
RED LINES Theatre The Lir Academy - Studio 1 Lighting Designer Director: Megan Kennedy
Sep 2023
Dog Shit Theatre The New Theatre, Dublin Lighting Designer Director: Ursula McGinn
Set designer: Eimear Hussey
Sep 2023
Akedah Theatre Hampstead Theatre Downstairs Lighting Designer Director: Lucy Morrison
Set designer: Naomi Dawson
Feb 2023
Anatomy of a Night Dance The Depot @ The Complex, Dublin Lighting Designer Choreographer: Nick Nikoloau
Sep 2022
Contact method Details
Email address
Mobile phone 07596 020125


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