Stage Electrics appointed as distributor for Lumonic

Stage Electrics has been appointed as a distributor for new British LED fixture manufacturer Lumonic. The first product launched in a planned new stable is the ilumo Zoom Led spot/wash, this is a highly efficient unit with 12 high brightness LEDs housed in a well-designed stylish casing. Davie Bell Divisional Sales Manager at Stage Electrics commented: “Lumonic are a new company but their team has a huge experience of entertainment lighting and product design. Their first product in the ilumo range has a number of exciting features and superb colour mixing optics with an extremely clever Colour Crossfade Engine which means the unit can fade from one colour to another without going via intermediate colours in the palette.”

Responsible for product development is Dr James Powell who is no stranger to the entertainment industry. He has developed a very powerful colour control engine for the ilumo product in addition to standard DMX control of the units colour. This product features a calibrated colour engine which allows the user to select an exact shade of colour. Applications include matching exactly the colours of other LEDs in a rig. The unit is completed by a new user interface that is straightforward, intuitive and easy to use.

Davie Bell concludes: “Lumonic have clearly put a lot of effort into designing a comprehensive new product, it has application in theatre, touring and broadcast. We have already demonstrated the product to several customers with extremely positive feedback