Photograph from Joe Christmas Ball - lighting design by Luc Peumans
Photograph from Joe Christmas Ball - lighting design by Luc Peumans
Photograph from Joe Christmas Ball - lighting design by Luc Peumans

Joe Christmas Ball

with Luc Peumans as Lighting Designer

Show type:

Designer's notes: 
Painting With Light supplied the production design, the lights and led the tech pre-production.

Production photographs

Photograph from Joe Christmas Ball - lighting design by Luc Peumans
Photograph from Joe Christmas Ball - lighting design by Luc Peumans
Photograph from Joe Christmas Ball - lighting design by Luc Peumans
Photograph from Joe Christmas Ball - lighting design by Luc Peumans
Photograph from Joe Christmas Ball - lighting design by Luc Peumans
Photograph from Joe Christmas Ball - lighting design by Luc Peumans