Photograph from Fucking Men - lighting design by Alex Lewer
© F Men Play Limited | Charlie Condou and Alex Britt | Photographer: Darren Bell
Photograph from Fucking Men - lighting design by Alex Lewer
© F Men Play Limited | Photographer: Darren Bell
Photograph from Fucking Men - lighting design by Alex Lewer
Charlie Condou & Stanton Plummer-Cambridge | Photographer: Darren Bell
Photograph from Fucking Men - lighting design by Alex Lewer
© F Men Play Limited | Charlie Condou and Alex Britt | Photographer: Darren Bell

Fucking Men

with Alex Lewer as Lighting Designer



Set designer:

Costume designer:

Sound designer:

20/04/2023 to 18/06/2023
13/04/2024 to 26/05/2024

Show type:

Production photographs

Photograph from Fucking Men - lighting design by Alex Lewer
Photograph from Fucking Men - lighting design by Alex Lewer
Photograph from Fucking Men - lighting design by Alex Lewer
Photograph from Fucking Men - lighting design by Alex Lewer
Photograph from Fucking Men - lighting design by Alex Lewer
Photograph from Fucking Men - lighting design by Alex Lewer
Photograph from Fucking Men - lighting design by Alex Lewer
Photograph from Fucking Men - lighting design by Alex Lewer