Set designer:
11/07/2015 to 24/07/2015
Show type:
Press quotes
It was a joy, too, to see a production where the director, the veteran Elijah Moshinsky, knows exactly what he’s doing, crisply marshalling the eventful libretto’s opposing forces (...) through Russell Craig’s simple slats, inventively illuminated by Malcolm Rippeth.
Geoff Brown, The Spectator 18/07/2015
Elijah Moshinsky, well versed in Verdi production in eminent environs, made what he could of this basic set and a few props whilst being particularly aided by imaginative lighting.
Robert J Farr, Seen and Heard International 14/07/2015
Lighting by Malcolm Rippeth, alongside imaginative visual projections, give us a beautiful sense of windswept clouds, fierce storms, red skies and moonlit woods.
Charlotte Valori, Bachtrack 14/07/2015
The staging in an open topped mirrored walled set , which provides an effective “Wall of Death” vantage point for nuns, devils and onlookers, designed by Russell Craig, lends atmosphere, heightened by Malcolm Rippeth’s inspired lighting effects.
Philip Radcliffe, Manchester Theatre Awards 14/07/2015
The temperature of the tragedy is mirrored in Malcolm Rippeth’s lighting: rolling storm clouds, shrapnel and blood.
Anna Picard, The Times 21/07/2015
It looked gorgeous, though. A glowing cloudscape rolled above the two black marble walls of Russell Craig’s set; with imaginative lighting by Malcolm Rippeth plus a bit of smoke, the various tableaux were reflected back like oil paintings – tableaux being the operative word.
Richard Bratby, The Arts Desk 27/07/2015
...the young peasant girl Joan is first seen, assuming a medium blue cowl as if in imitation of the Virgin to whom she is praying, cleverly reflected on the side wall and in shadow on the rear set by the immensely effective Lighting Designer, Malcolm Rippeth.
Roderic Dunnett, Behind the Arras 04/08/2015