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Clay Paky S.p.A.

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Clay Paky is a world level reference brand in the sector of professional lighting systems. Products include moving body and moving mirror projectors, colour changers (also for outdoors), followspots, projectors for disply and architectural lighting. The professional sectors that use Clay Paky are: theatre, television, live events, clubs, fashion, fairtrade exhibitions, theme parks, shops, commercial centres, conferences, industrial presentations and many other sectors in the show business and architectural fields. The company takes part in 25 important international trade fairs in the sector which include all the major countries in the world.

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The ADB by Claypaky Orkis CYC recently received an award from the French digital magazine SoundLightUp (SLU), which specializes in entertainment lighting and audio.
3 weeks 2 days ago
1 month 3 weeks ago
2 months 1 week ago
2 months 2 weeks ago
  VOLERO CUBE: Beam, Wash, Strobe: creativity, cubed **WORLD PREMIERE**          
4 months 1 week ago
