Photograph from The Right Light? - lighting design by Nick Moran
© Palgrave Macmillan The Right Light cover | From the show The Right Light?
Photograph from Performance Lighting Design - lighting design by Nick Moran
© Methuen Drama Performance Lighting Design 2nd Edition Cover | From the show Performance Lighting Design
Nick Moran's picture

Nick Moran

Biography Credits Portfolio Press Quotes Specialisms Availability Contact Details News


Senior Lecturer in Production and Design for Performance and Course Leader of the Lighting Design and Production Lighting Degree courses at Central School of Speech and Drama, London. My career spans Theatre, Concert Touring and Events, from Fringe to Main House, Festivals, Arenas and Stadiums

Author of:

The Right Light, based on interviews with contemporary lighting designers, published by Macmillan International []

Performance Lighting Design [2nd Edition] published by Methuen Drama []

Electric Shadows - an introduction to video & projection design on stage published by ET Books []

Previous productions

Previous productions

Show name Type Venue/Company Role Creative Team Opened
Performance Lighting Design Theatre Macmillan International Lighting Designer Dec 2019
The Right Light? Theatre Palgrave Macmillan Lighting Designer Apr 2017
Contact method Details
Email address

  • International
  • Commercial Tour
  • Regional (Studio)
  • Small Scale Touring
  • Fringe / Pub Theatre
  • Touring relights
  • Projection / Video Design
  • International
  • Commercial Tour
  • Regional (Studio)
  • Small Scale / Fringe
  • Education Establishment
  • Touring relights
  • Projection / Video Design
  • International
  • Large scale
  • Small scale
  • Touring relights
  • Projection / Video Design
  • Arena Touring
  • Stage Touring
  • Club
  • Projection / Video / Content Design
  • Conferences
  • Exhibition Stands
  • Fashion Shows
  • Product Launches
  • Award Ceremonies
  • Open Air Events
  • Musicals
  • Projection / Video Design
  • Lectures
  • Workshops
  • Training


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