Photograph from Son Et Lumiere - lighting design by Amy Mae
Photographer: Dave Agnew
Photograph from Son Et Lumiere - lighting design by Amy Mae
Photographer: Dave Agnew

Son Et Lumiere

with Amy Mae as Lighting Designer
06/12/2013 to 01/12/2099

Show type:

Designer's notes: 
As part of my course at RADA myself and two other postgraduate students had the opportunity to design a rig, pick a song each and live busk to it. We used an Avolites Sapphire Touch desk to program certain looks and effects, and then operated live in front of an audience. Watch it here:

Production photographs

Photograph from Son Et Lumiere - lighting design by Amy Mae
Photograph from Son Et Lumiere - lighting design by Amy Mae
Photograph from Son Et Lumiere - lighting design by Amy Mae
Photograph from Son Et Lumiere - lighting design by Amy Mae