Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton
Photographer: Patrick Baldwin
Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton
Photographer: Patrick Baldwin
Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton
Photographer: Patrick Baldwin

The Bexliest Day of our Lives

with Jack Fenton as Assistant Lighting Designer

Lighting designer:


Set designer:

Video designer:

21/06/2019 to 28/06/2019

Show type:

Production photographs

Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton
Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton
Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton
Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton
Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton
Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton
Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton
Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton
Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton
Photograph from The Bexliest Day of our Lives - lighting design by jackfenton