Sunday In The Park With Jane

Lighting Designer Jane Cox shares her thoughts on “Color and Light," as well as a few of her lighting techniques after working on "Sunday in the Park with George" at the Guthrie Theater.

Entertainment Lighting#RoscoGoboAndrew SullivanAngelina VyushkovaAzure BlueCaite Hevnercaitedesign.comCalColorCalColor #4930 30 LavenderCalColor 30 LavenderColor and LightColorizerConte Crayon Study For Sunday Afternoon On The Island Of La Grande Jattecostume designer nto the stage world. As Dot escapes Toni-Leslie JamesEffects Glass GoboErin MackeyETC Lustr 2FineArtAmerica.comG327G327 Pale SepiaG363G363 SandG365G365 Warm StrawG395G395 Golden SunsetG540G540 Pale GreenG548G548 Pointillism goboG570G570 Light Green YellowGAM GoboGam gobo #548 PointillismGAM templateGamcolorGamColor #327 Pale SepiaGamColor #363 SandGamColor #365 Warm StrawGamColor #395 Golden SunsetGamColor #540 Pale GreenGamColor #570 Light Green YellowGeorge SeuratGuthrieGuthrie TheaterGuthrie TheatreGypsy LavenderIrregular Dots goboItalian BlueJan ChambersJane Coxjanecoxlight.virb.comJoseph HajLight As ArtLighting designlighting design for a playlighting design for musical theaterlighting design for musical theatrelighting design for Sunday in the Park with Georgelighting design for theaterlighting design for theatrelighting design ideaslighting design inspirationlighting design techniquelighting design with gelslighting design with gels and goboslighting design with goboslighting designerlighting designer Jane Coxlighting templatesMax Wojtanowicznto the stage world. As Dot escapes Toni-Leslie JamesPainting with LightPale Rose PinkPale Sepiapointilism in lightPointillism gobopointillism in lightpointillism with lightprojection designer Caite HevnerR13R13 Straw TintR37R37 Pale Rose PinkR370R370 Italian BlueR4930R4930 CalColor 30 LavenderR55005R55005 Stippled Amber Red ColorizerR55006R55006 Stippled Blue Red Lavender ColorizerR55008R55008 Stippled Green Yellow ColorizerR56R56 Gypsy LavenderR65R65 Daylight BlueR72R72 Azure BlueR77405R77405 Dapple (Small)R77570R77570 Sponged goboR78228R78228 Irregular DotsR88R88 Light GreenRandy HarrisonRosco goboRosco gobo #77405 Dapple (Small)Rosco gobo #77570 SpongedRosco gobo #78228 Irregular DotsRosco templateRoscoluxRoscolux #13 Straw TintRoscolux #37 Pale Rose PinkRoscolux #370 Italian BlueRoscolux #4930 CalColor 30 LavenderRoscolux #56 Gypsy LavenderRoscolux #65 Daylight BlueRoscolux #72 Azure BlueRoscolux #88 Light GreenRyan ConneallySet designer Jan ChambersSponged gobostaging Sunday in the Park with George on a thrust stageStraw TintSunday Afternoon On The Island Of La Grande JatteSunday in the Park with GeorgeSunday in the Park with George lighting designT Charles Erickson PhotographyT. Charles EricksonTexture in Lightingtexture with lighttextured lightingtheatrical lighting designtheatrical lighting designertheatrical templatesTom MaysWingspace Theatrical Designwingspace.comWurtele Thrust Stage